Anesthesia has come a long way since the early days and anesthesia management services have become even more common. Recorded as far back as 70 A.D., mandrake and opium were used as a numbing agent by Roman physician, Pedanius Dioscorides. The ancient Chinese used acupuncture or cold to deaden the nerves. Now, there are four types of modern anesthesia we can be thankful for. Here’s a brief description of each so you can be aware of the differences.
Twilight Anesthesia
Twilight anesthesia induces a sleepy state over the mind of a conscious individual. The person taking twilight anesthesia won’t remember much of the event later.
Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia produces a conscious sedation but doesn’t induce a sleep-like or drowsy state. Patients taking local anesthesia are fully conscious, while the area worked on remains numb. This is the most common type billed by anesthesia management services.
Regional Anesthetics
Regional anesthetics cover a larger region of the body, like an entire limb, whereas local anesthesia takes care of a smaller area like a wisdom tooth or an area needing a few stitches. Regional anesthetics are used when a larger manipulation of the body is needed.
General Anesthesia
Lastly, general anesthesia induces a state of unconsciousness. These are used during long and complicated surgeries that require someone to be completely immobilized. We don’t know exactly how this kind of anesthesia works, but anesthesia management services are grateful for it.
Need help managing anesthesia? We offer comprehensive anesthesia management services that help you find the answers you need to stay competitive and informed.