Reasons to Get Yearly Seed from Precision Ag in Crockett County, TN

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Agricultural service

Each growing season, you effectively take a gamble that your farm’s seed varieties will prevail over the weather and environment to produce the highest yields. You never know entirely if the seeds that you planted will actually pay off and give you some or all of the money back that you invested in it.

This gamble can be even more precarious when you are left to your own devices in choosing what varieties to plant. Rather than head into each growing season uninformed and unsure, you can consult with reputable suppliers like Precision Ag in Crockett County, TN, to choose the best seed varieties to plant on your farm.

The Best Choices for Your Soil

One of the key factors that you need to take into consideration when choosing seed for your farm is the quality and health of its soil. You need seed varieties that can adapt to the amount of chemicals and nutrients in the soil. You also need varieties that can overcome challenges like too much phosphorous or magnesium in the soil.

To find out what types of seed to plant, you can speak to an experienced seed sales person. This person can determine what kind of varieties might perform well on your farm and in the soil in which you plan on planting them.

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